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See why people from all walks of life choose ANTHEM!


In November of 2016, I was looking into the door to door industry as a means to make a few extra bucks during the summer to get me through my undergraduate degree and one-day medical school. I met with company after company and couldn’t really find what I was looking for.

All the pay scales were similar and each recruiter just seemed to have a lot of negative to say about any other company I said I had met with. It got to a point where I just thought I am done playing this “recruiting” game. Fast forward to February of 2017, I ran into Mitch, Jake, and Ben at a TopGolf in Utah.

They told me all about the company they had just started called Anthem Pest Control. They were bringing Ben’s years of experience in the industry, Mitch’s competitive edge from just playing in the NFL and Jake’s laser focus on becoming the best all under one roof. It took one sit down lunch for me to catch their vision and become ALL IN!


Summer of 2017 was awesome! It not only got my feet wet in the industry but led me to change my plans from being a doctor to jumping into this full time! I entered my first recruiting season with a desire to run a team where everyone had success.


Summer of 2018 was one for the books! I managed a team in just my second year in the industry and we did amazing! It was good to see a company not just talk the talk but also walk the walk. Anthem really is a place where you can come and find success and even create opportunities you never knew were there!

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Before I chose to work with Anthem of the 2018 summer, I was faced with a tough decision. Do I get an internship for the summer like the average college kid or do I step out of my comfort zone and choose Anthem. After careful thought I decided to give Anthem a shot.

The skills I have learned and mastered over the summer are unmatched compared to if I would have take an offer for an internship and sit behind a desk all summer. From straight up sales skills to the mind and mentality it takes to be a winner. The skills I have learned this summer will serve me the rest of my life no matter what path I take. 

The biggest reason I chose Anthem was for the mentorship that comes along with being a part of this company. The owners are all very involved and at your disposal any time you need them. Personally being so young, having motivated mentors like Jake, Ben and Mitch to give and teach you all the skills you will need not only for the job but for everyday life is huge!

That's why I chose Anthem.


Anthem is different than any other pest control company out there, from their impactful leaders, the driven team, and the organized operations, everything we do here is 10x.


This is one of the only jobs that you can make 15k-30k in just your first summer. I've learned how to close deals, communicate my ideas, and turn hard work into profit. This summer has been more valuable than any internship, summer class, or summer job that I would have otherwise dove into.


Anthem has changed the way I view money and has heightened my goals, expectations, and work ethic. I've done one summer, and I'm already All In. 


Yes! I want to be Anthem's next success story.

3075 Breckenridge Blvd. Suite 465

DULUTH, GA 30096

Tel: 770-462-3430

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